Everyone Wins with Score with Intel® Core™


The Intel® Retail Edge Program’s annual Score with Intel® Core™ store-to-store competition is underway. We recently visited several stores to check in on some of the participants to see how the competition is going.Score with Intel® Core™

During one store visit, we ran into James. Not only is James competing in this year’s Score with Intel® Core™, he is a previous winner from the 2011 competition. He won a new MINI Cooper*. You can watch the video of James being presented with the keys to his new car by clicking here.

In our conversations with James and other retail sales reps, we asked why more of their fellow sales team members and general and district managers aren’t participating in Score with Intel® Core™. Two points really stood out.

1. Sales representatives don’t believe anyone really wins anything.

Even James’ current fellow sales reps didn’t believe him when he said he won a car during the competition. Most of them have been at the store for less than two years so they weren’t around when James won.

Participants do win. There are weekly prize drawings, store-level individual prizes, discounts on devices and accessories, and more. Here’s more video proof. Daniel is one of our 2015 weekly prize drawing winners.

2. Managers don’t have time to learn about the benefits of the competition, but if they did these general and district managers would encourage their sales reps to register.

Retail participants in Score with Intel® Core™ have seen significant increases in up-sells to premium products over the course of the competition. Additionally, managers nominate local K-12 schools to receive up to a $25,000 donation. Managers can win great prizes too! Click here to watch the Edge Crew surprise one store manager with a trip to Walt Disney World®.

It’s not too late to get in on the 2015 Score with Intel® Core™ competition! Get more information on how other retail managers are taking advantage of the benefits provided by the Intel® Retail Edge Program and Score with Intel® Core™.

Read more here: http://intel.ly/1GfScM5

Sign up now here: http://intel.ly/1IjcmGf


It is a participant’s sole responsibility to review and understand his/her company’s policies regarding participation in promotions such as this. The awarding of any prizes to potential winners will be subject to such company policies. If, for whatever reason, any potential winner is unable to accept a prize due to company policies or for any other reason, the prize may be forfeited, Sponsor will have no further obligation to such winner, and Sponsor has the right to award prize to an alternate winner. Winners must be in good standing and employed at a participating store location (as stated above) at time prize is to be provided.

Members from the Province of Quebec are not eligible to win prizes, but can still earn Chips. All other eligible Members from the U.S. and Canada are responsible for any and all Federal, state, local, provincial, or other tax liabilities with acceptance of prizes. Please read the Competition Terms and Conditions for complete rules. 

*Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.

© 2015, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel, the Intel logo, Intel Core, Intel Retail Edge Program, Score with Intel® Core™ are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and other countries.

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