Tips for Leveraging Webrooming to Your Advantage


Most retailers have spent time designing methods to combat showrooming. When shoppers browse in-store for products, but leave to purchase them online, the brick-and-mortar store is deprived of much-needed revenue.

Leverage WebroomingThe number of shoppers who research prices from their smartphones while in the store continues to grow. This often leads to showrooming.

However, the news isn't all bad. Retailers that embrace a parallel trend known as "webrooming," which is basically showrooming in reverse, can fight back against online revenue drain and get their customers excited about the in-store buying experience.

Some reports indicate that as many as 73% of consumers still prefer to purchase products in a physical store. When the in-store experience is done right, it's impossible for competing online retailers to match.

According to Deloitte*, webrooming was the number one customer behavior expected this past holiday season. In fact, the company's most recent retail survey found that nearly 70 percent of customers webroomed in 2015, marking an increase of more than 10 percent from 2014. 

Here are four tips to leverage the webrooming trend to your store's advantage:

1. Create a Personalized and Engaging Shopping Experience

Customers want to touch and try new products before they buy. This is one of the biggest drivers of the webrooming trend; so it's critical to take advantage of this.

It’s important to have sufficient numbers of demo models or stations located in the store. Draw customers' attention to them with prominent signage and sales rep engagement. Sales team members should be knowledgeable about these devices in order to guide customers through a successful and engaging experience.

Personalization is also critical to leverage the webrooming trend. With the use of the latest technologies such as tracking beacons, customers can be presented with opportunistic, personalized offers as they move through the store.

2. Invest in Information

The more reps on the sales floor know, the better. Complement product knowledge with other important and accessible information such as store inventory.

Use QR codes to direct customers to detailed online product pages. Use visual aids, such as posted infographics, to do the same in the offline environment.

Deploy touchscreen displays to deliver visual information that customers can consume at their own pace. Interactive tools like this create a deeper, more satisfying experience for customers.

3. Offer Loyalty Discounts and Other Incentives

Today’s customers expect to be rewarded in some way for their loyalty. Reward repeat customers with in-store loyalty programs. To encourage webrooming, make loyalty points or discounts dependent on in-store purchases.

When it comes to loyalty incentives, the sky's the limit. Offer store credit cards that accrue loyalty points redeemable for cash, product discounts, or free merchandise.

Pair product displays with QR codes that offer instant discounts for customers who buy with their mobile phones.

Promise free delivery or in-store pickup for regular customers. Or devise your own loyalty program based on what you know about your customers.

4. Build Employee Knowledge and Excitement

Engaged, excited, knowledgeable sales reps are simply better sellers. Encourage them to sign up for an available product training program that keeps them in the loop about new releases, hones their selling strategies, and renews their passion for educating store customers.

Create a Seamless Shopping Experience

The latest advancements in technology and devices has changed the way people research and purchase products. Whether shoppers are showrooming, webrooming, or just browsing and making on-the-spot purchases, retailers who want to thrive, not just survive, must create a seamless shopping experience across all channels.

Take advantage of all available tools to create success for your customers and retail stores.

The Intel® Retail Edge Program is a product training program that empowers sales reps to leverage the webrooming trend to your store's advantage and gives them the tools they need to close the sale.

Participating reps learn about the latest Intel® products and solutions through a variety of real-time Web events, interactive online courses, fun videos, sales tools and more.

Give your sales reps what they need to leverage webrooming and encourage them to sign up for the Intel® Retail Edge Program today.

Retail Sales Rep Training


*Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
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