How Tech Tools Help District Managers


The 2015 District Manager Report by Square Root* offers some clear insights into the challenges and opportunities facing district managers1 in the retail environment. This annual report provides inside information into the biggest challenges and the most important tools for these key Retail District Manager Technology Toolssupervisory staff members. 

Making Time to Communicate

One of the biggest concerns voiced by district managers was the lack of quality time available with their store managers. With an average of between 10 and 15 stores under the supervision of one district manager, the opportunities for real sit-down and face-to-face discussions are limited. 

This can reduce the quality of communications and can result in slower responses to changes in the consumer marketplace.

Apps for smartphones, laptops, and other PC devices help close this gap to a surprisingly large degree. Videoconferencing apps allow face-to-face communications from across the state or across the region. This makes it much easier to find time for in-depth discussions about store inventories, sales and marketing campaigns, and overall store performance. 

Managing the Flow of Data

Most district managers are required to maintain an extensive array of data on each store they oversee. This can add up to a considerable amount of information to organize and record. 

In some cases, however, managers are still recording this information using pen and paper. This makes the task of organization and retention even harder to manage. 

Software packages run on the latest devices with fast processing power can provide the ease of use, speed, and convenience needed to bring district managers up-to-date on the latest customer and store data. These programs, devices, and hardware can provide secure storage2 and at-a-glance overviews for information on a single store or on the entire district. 

Additionally, software suites designed for management tasks can compare and correlate key figures automatically, delivering added functionality for district managers and increased feedback for store supervisors and sales associates.

Accessing Vital Information While On-The-Go

The portability and convenience of mobile devices can provide a practical solution for managers at all levels. Fast processing, mobile-equipped laptops and 2 in 1s are especially useful because they combine the portability of a smartphone with the advanced processing power of a desktop. 

This allows managers to connect securely2 to corporate servers and to upload and download key information quickly from almost anywhere. By compiling all relevant data in one central location, district managers can quickly access the information needed to manage inventory, staffing, marketing, and other key activities for their assigned stores. 

The easy and secure access made possible by today’s PC devices can ensure that critical data is available for use and analysis both at home and on the road. This helps streamline the workloads of district managers while ensuring that all necessary information is recorded and available to these key retail personnel.

Putting It All Together with the Right Technology

The right tech tools can help district managers deal with time constraints more effectively while ensuring that important information is collected and compiled for further review and analysis. 

Smartphones, laptops, teleconferencing applications, and other advanced computing solutions allows managers to stay in touch with store managers while ensuring that data is put to the best possible use during decision-making processes.

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2Intel technologies’ features and benefits depend on system configuration and may require enabled hardware, software or service activation. Performance varies depending on system configuration. No computer system can be absolutely secure. Check with your system manufacturer or retailer or learn more at

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