Retail Strategies to Meet the PC Needs of Business Customers


Intel-powered computers for business customersSmall business owners and entrepreneurs are a crucial segment in the retail sector as they seek computers and accessories for their company needs. Staying current with the latest developments in new devices and technologies specific to these customers is essential to creating the best in-store experience that meets their unique requirements. It's important that your sales associates understand this unique market segment to make more successful customer interactions.

Many of these customers will use the same PC for both business and personal needs. Training your associates to address both aspects is critical. Here are some essential points to remember when developing your in-store strategy to attract and retain business customers.

Understanding Your Target Audience

Almost half of the small businesses in the U.S. have only one to four employees. Going it alone or with only a few employees in the business can be challenging, and tech products can help customers overcome some of these hurdles. When your sales team understands and can articulate how PCs and total tech solutions can help, you go a long way in earning customer loyalty and sales revenue.

For many of these customers, keeping costs low remains critically important. Small businesses and entrepreneurs often operate on very slim profit margins. Providing the most cost-effective and practical solutions encourages them to return to your store for future purchases and recommendations.

Presenting Workable Solutions

Business customers typically search for solutions tailored to pain points or challenges. Whether owners employ several staff members or handle all aspects of their business, the need for technology designed to streamline operations efficiently and quickly is nearly universal.

Laptops and desktops that can manage the demands of modern software packages are invaluable tools. Sales associates must understand the performance capabilities of the computers you offer to recommend the most cost-effective and practical solution and the right solution to address their pain points.

Recommending the Right System

The rapidly evolving nature of the technology world can make it difficult for your customers to identify the right system for their needs. Some of the most important features of business PCs include:

  • High-performance processors for enhanced multitasking capability
  • Sufficient RAM to handle high-end productivity software
  • Support for multiple monitors for improved display options
  • Fast and reliable wired or Wi-Fi connectivity
  • Enhanced security features to protect sensitive business data

Familiarizing themselves with the latest PCs powered by Intel® Core™ Ultra processors will help your associates provide perfect device recommendations that can easily handle these computing and technology needs of your business customers.

Planning for the Future

Business customers often look for longer-term investments in computer and technology equipment to meet their current and future needs. The Intel vPro® platform powered by the latest Intel® Core™ Ultra processors offers a comprehensive approach to performance, powering AI workloads, and enabling new experiences. This translates to enhanced collaboration and video streaming, advanced content creation, productivity and security assistance, and accessibility tools, providing a professional-grade experience for all.

Does your sales team know the PCs in your inventory that are best for your business shoppers? When associates can provide personalized recommendations to business customers, they become a valued and trusted resource for all customers who shop in your stores.

Educating Your Retail Sales Associates

One of the best strategies to effectively serve your business and entrepreneurial customers is ensuring your associates know the unique needs of these customers. These customers often need more than just a desktop or laptop. They frequently require peripherals, networking solutions, and cloud-based services. Sometimes, they aren't even sure what is needed and look to sales associates for guidance.

Is your team prepared to deal with these unique customers? This is where the Intel® Retail Edge Program comes in. This Program helps retail sales associates understand how to provide the best total solution to customers based on their needs, with a focus on Intel® technologies and products.

The Intel® Retail Edge Program offers:

  • Comprehensive training on the latest Intel® processors and technologies
  • Short, impactful learning modules that fit into busy retail schedules
  • Opportunities for associates to earn rewards for their participation and knowledge gains
  • Regular updates on new product launches and features
  • Tools to help associates explain the benefits of Intel® products to customers

By participating in the Intel® Retail Edge Program, your sales team can gain the knowledge and confidence to successfully recommend Intel®-powered solutions to customers. Encourage your associates to take advantage of the Program. The knowledge they gain will be invaluable in helping them understand how to provide the best total computing solution to business customers.

Discover more about the Intel® Retail Edge Program today!

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This article has been updated. You can see the original version here.



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