Celebrating 75 Years of The Transistor

The world will celebrate the 75th anniversary of the transistor on December 16, 2022. Viewed as the building block for almost every electronic system, this microelectronic component was invented by Bell Labs in 1947.

A transistor is a semiconductor device that allows an electrical current to flow through it. This current can send, receive and process digital data in the form of 1s and 0s.

Posted: 12/9/22

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Employee Knowledge: Your Key to a Successful Holiday Sales Season

When the holiday season rolls around, your sales team will have a new wave of eager customers to assist and a great collection of PCs powered by Intel® processors to sell.

Strong associate knowledge about products and selling strategies is necessary throughout the year. However, it's paramount during the holidays when customers are more enthusiastic about opening their wallets and buying products that meet their unique needs.

Posted: 11/26/22

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Amplify Your PC Sales Efforts with Training

Sales associate training is a significant investment. Selecting the right types of training pays off in added device and technology sales and improved customer loyalty. 

Assessing your current sales associates’ skills and knowledge base helps you decide the best way to approach the training process. This allows you to play to your team’s strengths while ensuring the most effective use of your available resources. 

Posted: 11/9/22

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Unlock Your Team's Full Potential with an Effective Training Program

They say knowledge is power, so why put your sales associates on the front lines without preparing them for the challenge? Proper training is quintessential to your team's success. While it's sometimes hard to justify putting in that time and effort, a solid training program can make a huge difference.

As a manager, it's impossible for you to personally impart all the information your associates need to improve performance. But you can encourage associates to participate in training programs.

Posted: 10/21/22

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Retail Lessons from the Past Can Lead to a Successful Holiday Season

The holidays are a peak sales cycle in retail. Scheduling sales promotions to coincide with such periods of high consumer interest can help bring in new customers and increase interactions with your existing customer base.

The retail landscape has undergone many changes in the last few years. By looking at outcomes from past holidays, retailers can set the stage for a successful holiday this year. Here are a few most important insights from the past and a couple of predictions for this year that can help you have a successful holiday season.

Posted: 10/7/22

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Microlearning: How Small Learning Units Lead To More PC Sales

Microlearning can be used for a variety of purposes, from employee training to customer education. In retail, microlearning can be an extremely effective tool for sales associates.

By providing bite-sized pieces of information on products and services, retail employees can be better equipped to sell to customers. As a result, this type of training format can lead to more closed sales and higher customer satisfaction.

Posted: 9/23/22

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Overcoming the Challenges of Adult Learning: 7 Principles to Follow

We've all heard that idiom of how difficult it is to teach old dogs new tricks. But is there any truth to that sentiment? 

There's no denying that learning as an adult is challenging. As you age, waning neuroplasticity makes it harder to retain new skills and change old habits. 


Posted: 9/6/22

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Make Some Noise for Intel® Gamer Days 2022

PC gaming is hotter than ever, so it’s the perfect time for the hottest gaming event of 2022: Intel® Gamer Days. Intel, retailers, PC brands, and publishers are teaming up to offer gamers exclusive deals, secret drops, live streams, and special giveaways.

This 5th annual Intel® Gamer Days kicks off August 25 with a live stream featuring top gamers and influencers, and continues through September 4 with plenty of deals worth celebrating.

Posted: 8/24/22

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Meeting the PC Needs of Students During the Back-to-School Sales Season

As schools across the country begin, many families plan to buy a new desktop or laptop. Your sales team must know what to look for to help your customers make the best use of their budget and get a computer that will work well for school, work, and play.

According to the National Retail Foundation, spending on back-to-school and college is estimated to reach $110 billion this year. Electronics is projected as a top category for spending.

Posted: 8/13/22

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How Mobile Learning Can Empower Your Retail Team to Succeed

In retail, an empowered sales associate is a successful sales associate. There's nothing better than feeling like you're in charge of your fate and accomplishments. Not only does it help create a more pleasant work environment, but it can also increase productivity and motivate your employees to work with less oversight.

There are many ways to empower your team. While words of encouragement certainly go a long way, one of the best approaches is to put learning and training in their hands.

Posted: 7/25/22

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