Tools to Fine-Tune Your PC Sales

Intel® Adaptix™ technology is a collection of four free software tools, three of which assist your customers in achieving outstanding performance from their PCs.1 They use machine learning algorithms and advanced power controls to optimize processor and graphics settings.1

It’s important for your sales team to understand these software tools in order to relay to customers the significant value and benefits they add to applicable PCs powered by Intel® processors.

Posted: 9/19/19

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Just in Time for the Holidays—Laptops and 2 in 1s with New 10th Gen Intel® Core™ Processors

The 2019 holiday season promises to be an exciting one for your customers that seek the most capable generation of Intel® Core™ processors yet in remarkably thin-and-light laptops and 2 in 1s. There are a lot of details about this generation of processors that your sales associates must internalize to effectively communicate the benefits of new laptops and 2 in 1s that will soon begin arriving in your stores.

Find out about the new features and capabilities of these 11 new integrated processors.

Posted: 8/14/19

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Meeting the PC Needs of Back-to-School Shoppers

As students prepare to return to school, customers are already looking for new PCs and peripherals to meet their needs. The Back-to-School season is one of your major sales cycles of the year, and it's an excellent opportunity for your sales associates to boost store sales.

Your sales team should be up-to-speed on the latest devices and peripherals to provide greater value and more applicable recommendations to customers.

Posted: 7/14/19

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Capture More Device Sales with New 9th Gen Intel® Core™ Processors

The release of 9th Gen Intel® Core™ H-series processors creates more sales opportunities for customers who want desktop performance in a mobile device.1 These processors were designed with gamers and creators in mind, but there’s a processor for every computing need in this family.

There are currently 130 million PC- based content creators and 2.3 billion PC gamers who need the performance and responsiveness to handle taxing workloads and demanding AAA games.1 These new processors will make great recommendations for your on-the-go customers who are interested in gaming, recording, streaming, video editing, and more.

Posted: 6/27/19

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Knock Knock, Who’s There? 10th Gen 10nm, That’s Who.

​Right on the heels of the launch of 9th Gen Intel® Core™ mobile processors comes the announcement of 10th Gen Intel® Core™ mobile processors on new CPU and GPU architectures based on Intel’s advanced 10nm process. 

Announced at COMPUTEX* 2019, the 10th Gen Intel® Core™ processors usher in immersive entertainment on remarkably thin and light, ultra-portable devices for your customers living fast-paced lives.

Posted: 6/10/19

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Get Ready to Celebrate Year 10 of Score with Intel® Core™

Wrapping up the awards ceremonies for the 2018 Score with Intel® Core® competition, I was reminded once again of the amazing things that happen when people unite to reach a common goal. It’s a learning campaign that goes beyond sales associates simply taking training online or taking training in the store.

Score with Intel® Core™ is really about galvanizing an entire sales team. Bringing people together for a common goal and inspiring them to act as a team.

Posted: 5/28/19

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The Positive Impact of Gamification on Employee Training

Gamification is gaining adherents from companies of all sizes for employee onboarding, process education, and product training. The Intel® Retail Edge Program has experienced outstanding success with the use of gamification and has found that presenting information in a gamified manner to sales associates helps to improve content acquisition and engagement.

When associates engage with the Intel® Retail Edge Program, they feel energized about gaining detailed knowledge regarding new Intel® products and technologies, customer interaction techniques, and tips for increasing sales.

Posted: 5/20/19

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Use PC Showrooming to Your Advantage

One of the biggest shopping trends is the practice of showrooming. This occurs when shoppers visit brick-and-mortar stores to try out products they may be interested in buying but complete the purchase online rather than in-store.

The popularity and near-universal adoption of mobile communication devices and smartphones have made it easier than ever for your customers to compare prices and check availability of products online. This can present significant challenges for tech retailers with brick-and-mortar locations and overhead costs that must be figured into product pricing.

Posted: 4/26/19

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Capture More Small Business and Entrepreneurial PC Sales

Small business owners or entrepreneurs sometimes get lost in the retail sector mix as they look for computers and accessories for their company needs. Staying current with the latest developments in new devices and technologies specific to these customers is a must in order to create the best in-store experience to meet their unique needs.

It’s important that your sales associates understand this special market segment in order to create more successful customer interactions. Many of these customers will use the same PC for both business and personal needs.

Training your associates to address both sides of the coin is key.

Posted: 3/28/19

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Four Tips to Help Customers Understand New Technologies

New technologies and tech products are entering the marketplace at break-neck speeds. So much so, that it can be difficult to keep up with it all even if you’re in the business of retail PC and technology sales.

Providing your employees with the right tools and training can be a solid first step toward success in marketing new PC products, peripherals, and technologies and offering the best possible service for your valued customers.

Posted: 3/23/19

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