Why the Pep in the Step of Your Sales Team Matters

When customers walk onto your sales floor, they immediately tune into the moods and energy levels of reps. Engaged, excited employees have an infectious energy that captivates customers and makes them more likely to buy.

That engagement and excitement directly impact the bottom line too. A study by Hay Group* found that, over a seven-year period, companies with "highly engaged" workers grew their revenues by an average of 2.5 times more than companies without "highly engaged" workers.

Posted: 12/22/15

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Understanding the New Buying Behavior of Retail Customers

Retail customer buying behaviors are changing. No matter how long you've been in the business, you've probably seen some shifts that affect your approach to inventorying, store layout and signage, and employee training.

Although change can be scary at first, retail customers' new buying behaviors actually present an amazing opportunity to grow sales revenue and create more loyal, engaged customers.

Posted: 12/17/15

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How Product Knowledge Increases Holiday Sales

With the holiday buying season well underway, product knowledge is more important than ever. With the marked increase in the number of customers comes an increase in the number of questions about the products you offer. 

How is your team doing so far in answering these questions and meeting customer needs? If they need a deeper level of knowledge, provide them with access to information that will help them get through this busy time. It’s not too late for them to learn so they can be key contributors to holiday sales! 

Posted: 12/10/15

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Helping Older Customers Select the Right Tech Devices

How can managers ensure members of their sales teams are prepared for any type of customer, particularly those who might need a little extra help? General selling and customer interaction skills, such as mirroring customer behaviors and asking questions that reveal information about preferences and budget, are definitely important. 

However, reps also need to develop skills to gauge customer demographic cues, anticipate their needs, and speak to them on their own terms. This is particularly true of potential customers who are older adults or senior citizens. 

Posted: 12/1/15

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Is Your Sales Team Ready for Black Friday?

Being prepared, knowledgeable, and well-stocked are all important factors in retail success, but particularly so on the biggest shopping day of the year. Are you and your staff ready?

Use these remaining days leading up to Black Friday to ensure your sales reps are equipped to handle whatever the day has in store for them and that everything is in place to have your best Black Friday ever.

Posted: 11/20/15

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Certificate of Completion vs. Becoming Certified: Which Leads to More Success?

True certification programs require participants to exhibit, through some measure of evaluation, a certain level of achievement against a set of standards. This type of curriculum-based training and assessment results in a deeper understanding of products, processes, and strategies. 

As a result of earning a certification, sales reps gain more knowledge and confidence. They are better equipped to interact with customers who come into your store, answer their questions about products, and ask them the right questions to determine which product best fits their needs. 

Posted: 11/11/15

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Get the Buzz on the Newest Intel® Processor-Powered Devices

Tech-savvy customers and retail sales reps alike are buzzing about four new devices, each powered by a state-of-the-art Intel® processor that provides seamless performance for work, play, and everything in between.

Let's take a look at the product features and benefits that are sure to impress your customers.

Posted: 11/3/15

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How Comprehensive is Your Retail Sales Training?

Technology drives this information accessibility and when you’re in the business of selling technology and tech devices, your sales reps must stay ahead of the learning curve. 

Gone are the days when customers entered stores with little to no knowledge about what they wanted to buy. Your employees have to know the products, the technologies behind them, and the benefits they provide the customer. 

Posted: 10/29/15

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Five Outcomes of an Effective Training Program

Retailers have mandatory training programs for all employees. It’s important that any optional training program doesn’t conflict with other on-the-job responsibilities, such as selling devices. Additionally, voluntary training programs should be highly targeted and easily consumed in short timeframes. 

Sales reps who feel engaged, are empowered to share their knowledge with customers, and can devote their full attention to selling new devices, are critical ingredients for attaining desirable, measurable outcomes. 

Posted: 10/23/15

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Boost Holiday Sales with the New 6th Gen Intel® Core™ Processors

The 6th gen Intel® Core™ processors are Intel's fastest, most versatile yet. They give customers the support and performance needed to create an exceptional computing experience. Some of the season's most popular and exciting devices run on this new family of processors. Just this week, Microsoft* announced the upcoming release of the new Microsoft Surface Book* and the Microsoft Surface Pro 4*.

Sales reps have some great recommendations for their customers based on currently available devices powered by these processors and even more are scheduled for release over the coming months.

Posted: 10/9/15

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