Four Steps in the Retail Shopper’s Path to Purchase

Many consumers elect to visit a local retail store to assess the quality of the product and ask questions of store employees in person. In fact, 94% of all retail sales are generated in-store3. Ensuring that sales reps have complete and accurate information about the products sold in their stores can make a positive impression on these consumers and may lead to increased sales and profits.

By providing clear and complete information, sales teams create optimal customer experiences to help ensure the right device or product is selected. Retailers who meet and exceed consumer expectations on their buyer’s journey have the best opportunity for success in generating more revenue and creating a broader base of loyal customers.

Posted: 5/25/16

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Increase Customer Engagement with This Intel Sales Tool

The majority of shoppers still want to touch, feel, try on, and try out something before they buy it. That’s particularly true of PCs and other devices. People want to experience firsthand the capabilities of a device prior to purchase to ensure it will meet their needs. 

RXT works seamlessly with this process by guiding the sales rep and customer to the perfect device from start to finish. This goes a long way in alleviating apprehension while strengthening confidence levels of the customer and the sales rep.   

Posted: 5/9/16

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Three Intel® Technologies to Alleviate Customer Internet Security Concerns

As customers shop for new devices, they look to retail sales reps for guidance on how to protect their online information and devices. It's important to understand all the options available to be able to speak knowledgeably about cybersecurity and cybercrime and guide customers to the right solutions for their needs.

Intel Security, a division of Intel, is committed to enabling “a safe and connected world” for everyone. Here are three Intel Security technologies you and your sales reps can offer that address security concerns of your customers.

Posted: 4/19/16

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The Customer Experience—Making It Personal

When customers enter a retail establishment, they are looking for something special. In addition to the particular item they are considering, they’re also looking for a unique experience.

This is one reason businesses with the ability to make the shopping experience personal are more desirable to these customers. 

Because a personal experience is so important to customers, developing a strategy to fulfill this desire is critical. Let's take a look at a few ways you can impress your customers with a personal experience.

Posted: 4/4/16

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Is Your Sales Team Closing In-Store Mobile Shoppers

Besides the hands-on experience a retail store provides, customers frequent brick-and-mortar locations because they believe the staff are the best source for expert advice and recommendations that can help them find the best product for their needs. 

Therefore, sales teams must ensure they are completely knowledgeable about the products being sold and can answer the questions customers ask. 

Additionally, smart retail sales managers are augmenting their sales team's best practices to improve customer engagement via new technologies that further enhance their shopping experience.

Posted: 3/18/16

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Four Focal Points to Help Retain Top Sales Reps

In today's competitive retail environment, companies need to attract and retain top talent. This is particularly true of reps working the sales floor. They are usually the first in line to set the tone and outcome of the customer experience.

Retaining the best reps, or any employee, is more than a matter of simply compensating them well. It’s equally as important to create and maintain a culture that focuses on keeping them feeling motivated, valued, and empowered.

Posted: 3/7/16

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Strike Up More Sales with Thunderbolt™ 3

It’s not just the gamers, video streamers, and audio aficionados who will want to invest in Thunderbolt™ 3. It combines entirely new technology with several features that once required many different ports. Thanks to its compatibility with USB-C, it can replace all of the most common ports. This means fewer cables to keep up with or clutter up a space.

Additionally, condensing standard USB, video, power, and networking ports into a single Thunderbolt™ 3 port can dramatically reduce the size of a PC’s motherboard, allowing for extremely thin and light PC devices. 

Posted: 2/17/16

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Tips for Leveraging Webrooming to Your Advantage

The number of shoppers who research prices from their smartphones while in the store continues to grow. This often leads to showrooming.

However, the news isn't all bad. Retailers that embrace a parallel trend known as "webrooming," which is basically showrooming in reverse, can fight back against online revenue drain and get their customers excited about the in-store buying experience.

Some reports indicate that as many as 73% of consumers still prefer to purchase products in a physical store. When the in-store experience is done right, it's impossible for competing online retailers to match.

Posted: 2/9/16

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Three Ways to Meet Retail Customer Expectations

One key attribute of successful reps is the ability to empathize and connect with customers. After all, sales reps are potential customers too. They're just as excited about new devices, product modules, and ways of doing things. 

Today, customers expect to be approached as peers or even friends. When you encourage your sales reps to put themselves in prospective customers' shoes, you're really encouraging them to be genuine and acknowledge their common humanity. 

Posted: 1/26/16

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Incentives and Training Help Create Great Customer Experiences

Customers looking for the latest devices and accessories expect to be wowed not only by the technology of these new devices, but their actual shopping experience too. 

It's up to the entire sales team to deliver superior customer service. However, if management-level staff aren’t leading the effort, the likelihood of staff being overly concerned about the customer experience is greatly diminished.

Posted: 1/8/16

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